lunedì 20 dicembre 2010

After Nearly A Year Of Delays, WakeMate Is Finally Shipping

If ever there was a case of a startup demonstrating the kind of hurdles involved with producing hardware, it's WakeMate. We first wrote about the Y Combinator-funded startup over a year ago, which promises to help you kiss your groggy mornings goodbye with the help of a special wristband device that beams data about your sleeping habits to your Bluetooth-enabled smartphone. The company initially planned for a shipdate of January 2010, but it's since slipped multiple times after being plagued with problems. Finally, this weekend, WakeMate announced that it's fulfilling all pre-orders and that they should arrive very shortly (you can get overnight shipping if you want it by Christmas Eve). There's one caveat ?�WakeMate says it can't fulfill its international orders just yet because of "certification and shipping logistics", which it will need some extra time to deal with. But this is still huge news for the startup given how many times it's run into glitches and seen its release date slip over the last year, resulting in plenty of frustrated customers.


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