giovedì 24 febbraio 2011

What Losing TechCrunch Disrupt Meant to CloudFlare: OMFG

Editor's Note: The following guest post is by Matthew Prince, CEO of a CloudFlare, which came in as a close runner-up at the last TechCrunch Disrupt. We asked him to give us an update on the startup since Disrupt. It's hard to imagine a web performance and security service "going viral," especially one Mike Arrington described during the Disrupt awards ceremony as "Muffler Repair for the Internet," but a glance through our�Twitter feed gives credence to one of Silicon Valley's axioms: if you make a great service that solves a real problem, users will come. And come they have! While I have to confess our engineering team was initially bummed about losing to a demo of a website that could read Wikipedia articles aloud, I'm happy to report that they've channeled any frustration into building an incredible service that improves the lives of millions of web users every day. A quick snapshot of the four months since our Disrupt launch:


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